Year | Title | Made at | Built with | Link |
2022 | Natural Language to Python | Brane | Transformers·BERT·Rest API | |
2021 | Large Scale Object Detection | Brane | Faster RCNN·MobileNet·Yolo | |
2020 | Incremental Face Recognition | Brane | Distillation Loss·CNN·FaceNet | |
2019 | KYC Document Processing | Intain | OCR·Faster RCNN·NLP | |
2019 | Optical Character Recognition | Intain | CTPN·Tesseract·Auto Encoders | |
2018 | Invoice Processing | Intain | Text Detection·Faster RCNN·Tessaract | |
2018 | Intelligent Character Recognition | HCL | CNN·LSTM·TensorFlow | |
2018 | Legal Document Processing | HCL | TF/IDF·Word2Vec·Tensorflow | |
2018 | Scanned Document Processing | HCL | OpenCV·NLTK·Tensorflow | |